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Scrap that kit

Written By Unknown on Monday, April 26, 2010 | 1:40 PM

Hello everyone!!! it has been a while since my last post , I did all these new projects with Scrap That! May Kit! And you will see that I included a easy step tutorial. Hope you enjoy it!!
I called this lo" Precious" .

Hola a todos!!! a pasado un tiempo desde mi ultimo post, Hice todos estos nuevos proyectos con Scrap That! May Kit! Tambien incluyo un tutorial,espero que lo disfruten!!
Llame a este lo " Preciosa"

On this page I stamped and heat embossed all the edges and also I distressed it with chalks, I altered the pic with crackle paint and distress ink. The title was stamped and heat embossed.

En esta pagina estampe y embose todos los bordes tambien lo envejeci con chalks (tizas), altere la foto con pintura craquelada y la emvejeci con distress ink , el titulo fue estampado y embosado con calor.

These butterflies comes in the kit I just did a masking.

Las mariposas vienen en el Kit yo le hice una sombra con distress ink .

I stamped several times all the branches to get a more dramatic effect.

Estampe varias veces las ramas para darle un efecto mas dramatico.

I used the flowers that comes in the kit, I altered it with chalk and distressed the leafs.

Use las flores que vienen con el Kit , las altere con chalk y envejeci las hojas.


This is Hannah when she was 13 months old. I call this page " PRINCESS"

Esta es Hannah cuando tenia 13 meses. Esta pagina la llamo " PRINCESA"

I did alot of stamping here, I did all the background by stamping the text, borders , the bird, swirls, everything you see has been stamped!!! and also I did alot of masking. I painted the letters with crackle paint and distressed them.

Aqui hice mucho estampado, hice todo el fondo estampando la escritura, los bordes, los pajaros, flores, todo fue estampado!!! tambien hice mucha mascara. Pinte las letras con pintura craquelada y las envejeci.

I masked the crown and the circle, and also I did some stitching around the circle.

Hice la mascara de la corona y tambien del circulo al cual le hice costura.

I drew the leafs and and stamped letters on it and altered them with distress ink .
I also drew the rhombus on acrylic and stamped with solvent ink.
Dibuje las hojas, estampe letras y las envejeci con distress ink.Tambien dibuje los rombos sobre acrilico y estampe con ink al solvente.

I did this flower using one of the papers that comes in the kit, I will show you how to make your own flower, I will call this flower DRY ROSE in the end of this post you will find the tutorial I did to share with all of you.

Espanol: Hice esta flor usando uno de los papeles que viene el en kit, les mostrare como pueden hacerla ustedes mismas, la llamare Rosa Seca al final de este post encontraran el tutorial que hice para compartir con todas ustedes.

Altered Box

Caja decorada

I got the box at Michaels for 1.29 dollars. I distressed a little the paper. I distressed and aplied the lace that comes with the kit , added pearls all around the box and I did the flower with a piece of lace and aplied a botton on the center.

La caja la encontre en Michaels, por 1.29 dolares, envejeci el papel , tambien envejeci la puntilla que viene con el Kit, le adheri perlitas alrededor de la caja, hice la flor con una pieza pequena de la puntilla y le aplique un boton en el centro.

This is the top of the box. I stamped the image on a cardstock, distressed it, and I used just a little of perfect pearl. I stamped and heat embossed all the border with gold embossing powder.

Este es la parte superior de la caja, estampe la imagen sobre un papel, lo envejeci, le di brillo con perfect pearl , estampe y enbose con calor todo el borde con polvo de embosar dorado.

Dry Rose Tutorial

Tutorial de la Flor Seca

To make this flower we need to draw 5 circles of differents sizes, on the opposite side of the paper that you have chose.

Para hacer esta flor necesitamos dibujar 5 circulos de diferentes tamanos en el lado opuesto del papel que haya escogido.

We will cut around the circle by hand and make 4 cuts to the center of the circle without cutting the center of the circle.

Cortaremos alrededor del circulo con la mano y haremos cortes hacia el centro del circulo sin cortar el centro.

Once we have the shape, we will cut just a little off all the corners.

una vez que tenemos la forma le cortaremos un pedacito de los extremos

This is the shape we need to get.
Esta es la forma que necesitamos conseguir.

Now we will turn the paper and curl all the edges of the petals. I did it with my fingers but you can also do it with a toothpick.

Ahora giramos el papel y comenzamos a doblar todos los extremos, yo use mis dedos pero tambien pueden hacerlo con la ayuda de un palillo.

We can ink the edges, I used chalk but we can use any kind of ink

Podemos tenir los bordes, yo use chalk ( tizas) pero se puede usar cualquier clase de tintura.

Once we have all the shapes ready, we will position them all together starting with the big circle on the botton and the smaller on the top.

una vez que tenemos todas las formas listas los pondremos todos juntos comenzando con el circulo mas grande abajo y el mas pequeno arriba.

We will take all the petals one at a time in our palm and with a rounded object ( I used a compass) we will push against it and squeeze the petals a little, don't worry of squeezing the paper, remember we are trying to get a dry look. When we are done working with each petal at once we will take all the petals and repeat this step, like how it's presented in the picture.

Tomaremos uno por uno cada petalo sobre la palma de la mano y con un objeto de punta redonda ( yo use el extremo de un compas) empujaremos hacia la palma y al mismo tiempo apretamos el papel, no tengan temor de arrugar mucho el papel recuerden que intentamos dar un aspecto de flor seca. Cuando terminamos de trabajar con cada uno de los petalos, tomaremos todos los petalos juntos y repetimos este ultimo paso como muestra la foto.

Now we need to make a hole through the petals and we will assure them with a brad or apply other center embellishment on the top.
Hope you like and enjoy making this flower!!, please let me know if you tried to make this flower using this tutorial I would love to see your flower!!

Ahora perforaremos todos los petalos y los aseguraremos con un brad y o aplicar otro centro para embellecer la flor.
Espero que les guste y disfruten haciendo esta flor!! por favor dejenme saber si intentaron hacer esta flor usando este tutorial, me encataria ver como les quedo!!!

I want to thank all my sweet friends that have been sending me blog recognitions. I Thank all of you for always thinking of me, you all are so sweet , kind, and generous to me, as this post is so big I just will share it with all of you who encourages me and support me every time I make a post. Thank you so very much. I appreciate and value your friendship.

God bless you all.
Thank you so much for visiting and leaving comments.


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