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Written By Unknown on Sunday, May 16, 2010 | 11:24 PM

Hello Everyone!!! Hope everyone of you are having a wonderful weekend and getting ready to start another week!!
Here I am with another lo of my little Hannah when she was 5 months old, doesn't she look sweet? OMG she was a super adorable baby the only problem with her was that till now her sleeping pattern is a mess!! I never know how many times she is going to wake up in night, now that she is 2 years old she is starting to sleep better but still she needs a hug or two sometimes three hugs from mommy but she is the sweetest little girl ever!!!!!!!!!!! I know every mommy says it, our kids are unique and incomparable!!.

Hola a todos!!!Espero que todos esten teniendo un maravilloso fin de semana y esten listos para comenzar una semana mas.
Aqui estoy con una pagina mas de Hannah cuando ella tenia 5 meses, no es una dulzura?Siempre fue un bebe super adorable , el unico problema con ella hasta ahora es que sus habitos de sueno son muy desordenados!! nunca se cuantas veces se ira a despertar en la noche, ahora que ya tiene 2 anos esta comenzando a dormir mejor pero todavia ella necesita uno , dos y hasta tres abrazos de su mami, pero es la nena mas dulce del mundo!! se que todas las mamis lo dicen , nuestros hijos son unicos e incomparables!!.

I call this lo, Sweet,, I couldn't find a better name!
A este lo lo llamo Dulce, no encontre un mejor nombre!


On this lo I used most of Websters pages products ,it was a gift from my sweet friend Tracy she was so kind on sending me alot of WP goodies!! you can find all these beautiful WP products in her online store http://www.staytruetogod.com/ ,Thank you so much dear Tracy!! I love the WP Vellums and diecuts!!!! I used the vellum to decorate the corners , I used a diecut for the background from making memories , I distressed it and I did a masking, I used alot of lace to make the borders, the birds are stickers , the butterflies are rub ons, and I used those beautiful flowers that Darien sent me a long time ago, thank you so much Darien!!! I am so glad that I was able to use your beautiful flowers , Thanks!!

En esta pagina use productos de Websters pages, esto fue un regalo de mi amiga Tracy , ella fue tan amable de enviarme un monton de productos WP !! Pueden encontrar estos productos en su online store www.staytruetogod.com , Muchisimas gracias Tracy!! Me encantan las transparencias !! las use para decorar los extremos de la pagina, use un molde de making memories como pagina principal, la cual pinte con distress ink, use mucha puntilla para hacer todos los bordes, los pajaros son stickers y las mariposas son rub ons ( figuras que se raspan y se transfieren al papel) y use esas hermosas flores que hace un tiempo me habia enviado Darien, !!! estoy contenta de haber usado esas hermosas flores, gracias!!

Here is a close up to show you how I did the title, I stamped the ribbon label, I heat embossed it with clear embossing powder , I painted it a little with chalk. I cut it out and added it with dimensional dots and decorated it with a small butterfly.
Aqui tenemos un acercamiento para mostrarles como hice el titulo, estampe la cinta, la emboce al calor con polvo de embosar transparente, pinte el interior con tiza , lo corte y lo adheri con pegamento dimensional y lo decore con una mariposa.

Here you can see how I arranged the flowers and the vines.
Aca se puede ver como organice las flores y las guias.

Hope you like this page and can find some inspiration through my work.

Espero que les guste mi pagina y que puedan encontrar inpiracion a treves de mi trabajo.

I feel so pampered for all of you my dear blogger friends!! I want to thank you all for being so sweet to me, for all the visits and comments Thank you so much!! I have been receiving Awards from many of you , I am so sorrry for taking so long to post them but I do prefer to do it when I have a page so you don't have to come so often to visit me!!
Te first Award come from
Darien and Tab Thank you so much girls!!!I really appreciate your friendship, you both are very talented scrappers.

It will take me forever to link to all the people I should pass it so I will share it with all of you in appreciation for your continuous support , please take it!!

This amazing and original Award comes from Barb , Fern , Vanessa and Scrappinlil Thank you so much my sweet friends for all the nice words you have say about me and my blog, thank you for the generosity and support,It means the world to me , you made me feel so appreciate and pampered!! I appreciate it.

Rules for this award are:

Link back to the person who gave you the award

Post where you would like to be in 10 years

Give this award to 10 awesome bloggers

In ten years I would like to be huging my family , no matter where I just want my kids to be happy , healthy and prosperous , Franco will be 26 OMG and Hannah 12 and I ten years older!! oh no! lol I just want to be Happy whith the plan that God have prepared for me .

I will pass this award to 10 amazing bloggers.
Deb Famularo
Sandi Clarkson
Tereza she does gorgeous cards!
All these people are awesome scrappers and good friends of mine and I appreciate them a lot!!

I want to thank to Ollama that passed me an award but I don't understand the rules I am so sorry , I took the pic which is adorable and I want to thank her for being so sweet and kind Thank you Ollama you are such a sweetheart!!!

I have one more!! this is from a sweet friend from Spain!! her name is Carla and she gave me this sweet pic, thank you so much for thinking of me Carla!!

And a big thank you to all of you for taking the time to visit my blog, read my posts and leaving comments, Thank you for putting a smile on my face with your visit, I hope to be back soon with something to share with you, God bless you all and Have a great journey!



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